POSITIVE ANOMALY: Making History in Johannesburg
An epic documentary series that deep dives into the world’s most unlikely and misunderstood metropolis.
About the film
“Positive Anomaly” will be the ultimate city tour of Johannesburg, combining “secret history” with stories of diverse characters that live and work here today, from the famous to the forgotten. There are artists and artisans, activists and recluses, fashion designers, scientists, miners, street vendors, writers and small business owners. Along the way we join forces with people who are themselves exploring their own city and sharing it with others: tour guides, photographers, bloggers and other content creators.
“Positive Anomaly” captures the remarkable transformation of Johannesburg that is currently taking place, as its residents finally discover and fall in love with their own city and feel empowered to explore it, to reclaim it, to own it and to enjoy sharing it with visitors. The aim of the film is to represent Johannesburg as one of the world’s great cities to experience, as well as city to watch and learn from.
Simultaneously a re-branding, a multi-layered city symphony, a love letter and an intervention, Positive Anomaly is a celebration of the Johannesburg’s resilience, spirit, energy, creativity and staggering diversity, and a real-time document of its transformation.
This film is currently in production.
Contact us if you’d like more information